Saturday, July 13, 2024

Does Sleeping Make You Gain Or Lose Weight

Binge Eating Disorder And Sleep Deprivation

How does sleep affect weight gain? Can sleep more improve weight loss?

Binge Eating Disorder affects 2.8 million people in the US and is the most common eating disorder. It is defined as addictive, compulsive behavior.

People with binge eating disorder eat large amounts of food in one sitting. They will always binge in secret, and many people find more privacy during the evening hours.

There is a strong link between sleep deprivation and binge eating disorder. Moreover, people diagnosed with BED binge on more calories if theyve had a particularly bad nights sleep.

What does this tell us? Well, it provides further evidence to suggest that appetite and sleep are linked. Moreover, it seems to indicate that compulsive behavior gets worse when we are sleep deprived. Therefore, getting to bed at a reasonable hour seems all the more critical if you want to limit unhealthy behaviors.

Will Too Much Sleep Make You Fat

In last week’s article, you learned exactly how not getting enough sleep , can cause fat gain, muscle loss and an inability to control the appetite, along with increased risk for a host of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

But the solution is definitely not to begin sleeping as much as you possibly can. Oversleeping may seem like a good idea to fight off the fat gain that can accompany undersleeping, but it’s been shown that sleeping in excess of 9 hours per night can be just as damaging to your sleep cycles and your waistline as not getting enough sleep, and in this article, you’re going to find out exactly why!

People who oversleep experience a disruption in the body’s natural 24 hour biological cycle and because of this, oversleepers can experience a number of side effects as their bodies struggle to “sync up” with the correct time, leading to a host of health issues associated with oversleeping, including:

  • Blood sugar fluctuations
  • Higher risk of heart disease
  • Higher risk of stroke
  • Higher all-cause mortality

Several of these oversleeping consequences directly affect fat loss! Let’s take a look at a few of them:

Blood sugar fluctuations: Glucose tolerance refers to your body’s ability to process sugars, and something alled “impaired glucose tolerance” is associated with insulin resistance and is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain

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It also appears that OSA patients, in particular, may be more susceptible to weight gain than people who have the same BMI and health status but do not suffer from sleep apnea. This is illustrated in one study that showed people with OSA gained significantly more weight in the year leading up to their OSA diagnosis compared with BMI-matched people without OSA.

Sleep apnea can also deplete people of the energy they need to maintain a healthy body weight. Daytime sleepiness is a common sleep apnea symptom, resulting from fragmented, unrefreshing sleep. Evidence suggests excessive sleepiness may lead sleep apnea sufferers to exert less physical activity during waking hours. This may be particularly problematic for obese people, who frequently experience more shortness of breath and chest discomfort with physical effort, resulting in limited exercise. Without dietary changes, decreased activity levels can lead to additional weight gain.

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Does Sleeping Position Affect Your Weight

No specific sleeping position will help you lose weight. Sleeping on your side will improve circulation and may alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Moreover, its important to find a position that you feel very comfortable sleeping in. If you feel comfortable, youll fall asleep quicker, and youre less likely to wake up throughout the night. Ultimately, this will promote restorative sleep, which is the most important thing when it comes to sleep and weight management.

Can Sleep Help My Exercise Regimen

Can Sleep Apnea Cause You To Gain Weight?

Sleep is an important part of any exercise regimen. If you regularly sleep late, your fitness goals will suffer.

  • Sleep aids muscle recovery Good quality sleep encourages protein synthesis, which is vital for muscle repair.
  • Sleep boosts the production of growth hormone Growth hormone is vital for staying strong and flexible.
  • Sleep improves procedural memories If youre trying to learn a new hobby or sport, 8 hours of sleep will help you master the skills quicker.
  • Sleep Heals Injuries Youll be able to return to the gym quicker after an injury if you get to bed on time.

As we know, exercise is an important part of weight loss. Ultimately, being active also helps you sleep more soundly, so it works both ways. However, its important not to exercise too close to bedtime as this could raise your cortisol levels, making sleep more difficult.

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Sleeping With Lights On

Hopefully, you dont still need a nightlight. Findings from a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology show that exposure to even a small amount of light not only affects the quality of rest but can also put on extra pounds. Cortisol, the stress hormone, has also been shown to be abnormally high when youre exposed to light.

The fix: When its time for lights out, really make sure all the lights are out. Close the blinds, use dark drapes, turn your alarm clock away from your line of sight, and put your cell phone and other electronics at least three feet away.

How To Avoid Late Night Snacking

If you want to avoid weight gain, you should avoid evening snacking as much as possible. Besides going to bed earlier, the following tips may help you avoid late-night snacking:

  • Plan Your Meals It sounds obvious but make sure youre eating enough food throughout the day, so youre not overly hungry at night.
  • Protein Make sure your evening meal contains an adequate amount of protein. This should help you stay fuller for longer.
  • A Warming Drink Many of us eat before bedtime because we want to consume something warm and comforting. Instead of your usual snack, opt for some herbal tea, a malty drink, or a shot of lemon and ginger juice.
  • Manage Stress As we know, stress can lead to overeating. During the evening, we often mull over the stressful events of the day. Perhaps thats why were more likely to overeat before bedtime. Avoid passive stress-relieving activities such as watching the TV. Instead, try talking to your friends or family, or engaging in something creative.
  • Dont keep sweet treats at home Try to get into the habit of enjoying sweet treats during the daytime, when youre outside of your home.
  • Stay hydrated Hunger is often thirst in disguise.

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Don’t Be A Cardio Junky

Cardio is great, and there are lots of good reasons it should be a part of an overall fitness plan. But strength training should be, too, especially for anyone who wants to take advantage of nocturnal weight loss. This is because strength training continues to burn calories after the session is over. A stop at the gym after work, or even a simple at-home strength workout can keep the body in calorie-burning mode all night long, even after bedtime.

Keeping a pair of dumbbells or a resistance band next to your bed is a good visual reminder to add in full-body strength training at least three times a week. Work the larger muscles, like the glutes and legs, as well as the arms, back and core.

How To Lose Weight With A Good Nights Sleep

10 Reasons Why Lack of Sleep Makes You Gain Weight

Your behavior and lifestyle are two important aspects that contribute to obesity. Although diet and exercise should never be ignored as important tools for weight loss, behavioral changes such as sleep shouldnt be overlooked either.

Here are three tips that can help you get better sleep and support healthy weight loss.

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Sleep Less Weigh More

Numerous studies have looked at the link between sleep and weight. Overall, the results show that if we get less sleep than we need, our weight tends to increase2.

A recent clinical trial showed that when people were sleep-deprived:

  • they ate significantly more calories.
  • they had a preference for fatty foods.
  • their energy expenditure did not change3.

Participants ate, on average, 300 extra calories per day when sleep-deprived and most of this extra intake was accounted for by fats.

Another study collated data from more than 170 participants subjected to partial sleep-deprivation and the results showed that just a single night of inadequate sleep led to eating, on average, an extra 385 calories the next day4.

Yet, while participants took in extra calories when sleep-deprived, they did not expend any extra energy. When this pattern continues for several days, the net result is weight gain. In fact, taking in as little as 200 extra calories a day can lead to meaningful weight gain.

To put this in perspective, one pound of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. So fewer than 10 days of sleep-deprivation could lead to you gaining one pound of weight if you eat in a way that a sleep-deprived person would. Thatâs a potential gain of just under three stone per year!

Sleep Is Worth Its Weight In Gold

You can see that by taking steps to improve your sleep, you also get the added benefit of better controlled weight. If you feel that youâre struggling with your sleep, talk to us here at Sleepstation. Weâll work with you to get to the root of your sleep problem and to address whatâs coming between you and a good nightâs sleep.

If you have a sleep problem and have noticed that your weightâs been creeping up you might find yourself pleasantly surprised that, by improving your sleep, you can also gain better control over your willpower, food choices and, ultimately, your weight!

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Other Effects Of Poor Sleep

A higher BMI is just one of the consequences that can occur due to poor sleep.

Prior research has found a link between poor sleep and hypertension, obesity, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and incident pneumonia.

On the extreme, you can die. At the most basic level, people who dont get enough sleep have shorter life spans to some degree, Pelayo said.

We now know that the amount of sleep you get influences your immune response, he added. If you sleep deprive somebody, theyre more likely to get a virus or an infection and also they wont respond as well to immunizations.

Anything that is wrong with you physically or psychologically is made worse by lack of sleep, Pelayo continued. For example, if youre prone to migraine, youll have worse migraine if you dont get enough sleep. Anything you can think of is made worse by not getting enough sleep.

How To Take An Afternoon Nap

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As mentioned above, an afternoon nap should be taken immediately after lunch, preferably between 1 pm to 3 pm. Take the nap on your left side. If you are at work or at school, put your head down on the desk and take a nap. The nap should not be of less than 10 minutes and more than 30 minutes. Only young children, older adults and those recovering from an illness can take naps in the afternoon of around 90 minutes, says Rujuta.

You need to avoid taking the nap between 4 pm to 7 pm as it can cause sleep disturbance at night. Avoid smoking, chocolate, coffee, tea after having lunch. Do not sleep with a TV on.

An afternoon nap can help in preventing sluggishness post lunch and also improve your productivity for the rest of the day. As Rujuta says, “Make afternoon naps great again!”.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Does Sleeping Well Help You Lose Weight

Getting a good nights sleep improves your physical and mental health and it can help you lose weight, too.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, its even more important to reach a healthy weight. Research reveals that about 40 percent of people who are obese also have sleep apnea or obstructive sleep disorder meaning sleep is key in combating the obesity epidemic.

Your sleeping habits can play a role in your weight in several ways, including:

Slower metabolism. Metabolism is a chemical process in which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Poor sleep leaves you less inclined to be active, meaning youll burn fewer calories during the day. This slows down your metabolism, increasing the likelihood of weight gain.

Hormonal imbalance. Your appetite is regulated by ghrelin, the hunger-regulating hormone, and leptin, the satiety hormone. Your body manages these hormones, signaling to the brain when you need to increase your calorie intake. Sleep deprivation can cause these two hormones to fall out of balance, leading to increased appetite and a decreased feeling of fullness after eating. If youre sleep-deprived, youre likely to eat more calories, even when you arent hungry.

Whats The Link Between Sleep And Diabetes

As weve discussed, sleep helps to restore metabolic processes in the body. Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body starts to become resistant to insulin. As a result, too much glucose builds up in the blood, leading to hyperglycemia.

Some scientists predict that poor-quality sleep could play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

When we are sleep deprived , we begin to show signs of insulin resistance. At the first signs of insulin resistance, the pancreas usually tries to produce more insulin, to counteract the problem. Over time, this will wear the pancreas out, so it may eventually stop producing enough insulin leading to type 2 diabetes. However, in the short term, excess insulin can cause the body to store more fat!

This suggests that even occasional sleep deprivation could cause you to gain weight more easily because youll have an excess amount of insulin in your body. Moreover, if youre regularly getting less than 5.5 hours of sleep, you are increasing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Hunger And Lack Of Sleep Are Connected

So whats going on here? It basically has to do with appetite-regulating hormones, Tasali said.

Sleep is a state where every cell in the body gets benefit, she noted. We better regulate our heart rates, our fat cells, our hormones, and overall, what we call our metabolism.

Ghrelin, for example, is a hormone that stimulates appetite. It increases with sleep deprivation, but its levels are lower in a fully rested state, so a person feels less hungry, Tasali said.

The brain also has reward centers that are activated when people are sleep-deprived, so they crave more carbohydrates or junk food. Those reward centers are better regulated when people are rested, so you dont have that craving for that extra chocolate bar, she added.

Going Straight To Bed After Dinner

Sleep and weight gain

The body naturally increases and decreases the levels of these neurotransmitters orr the day, signaling the need to consume calories. These changes contribute to insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels, raising the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. These hormones promote eating for pleasure, which is called ‘hedonic eating. So, the less you sleep, the greater the preference for high-calorie food choices.

Mayo Clinic Marketplace Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Sleep loss causes a number of changes to the brain and body that might make it more difficult to lose weight. Accessed on March 3, Poor sleep and adolescent obesity risk: A narrative review of potential mechanisms.

That is if you fall off the wagon, you got to get back on the horse and ride. Sleeping more keeps you safe from junk food The new theory losw sleep and maintaining your weight is that not sleeping enough at night makes you less able to resist junk food, having little to do with the calories that you burn staying up late. Load more This is a surefire way to pile on the pounds. Other studies have found similar patterns in children and adolescents. Chronic sleep curtailment and adiposity.

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Women And Weight Loss: Focus On Balancing Your Metabolism

Bottom line: Losing weight all comes down to comprehensive lifestyle change, said NBC News Health and Nutrition Editor Madelyn Fernstrom, who called the new study carefully done.

Increasing data like these show that food intake, activity, sleep and stress are all important components for successful weight loss, she noted. Everyone is different, and figuring out where you are vulnerable and fixing that is the key to long term success.

Fernstrom said the new research provides compelling evidence that when chronic nightly sleep deprivation is restored to a healthy number of hours around eight food intake is reduced. There are clearly connections between metabolic signaling and sleep deprivation, with impact thats likely both behavioral and biological, she added.

But its not about sleeping more if youre already getting enough rest, both experts cautioned. Adults who slumber more than nine hours a day may not be getting healthy sleep anymore or eating less, Tasali said.

Forward Fold For 5 Minutes

Certain yoga poses help to calm and ease the mind of anxiety and tension. Try sitting upright in bed with the legs stretched out in front, then hinging forward at the hips. Feel a stretch in the backs of the legs , and breathe in for five slow deep breaths and out for five. Feel a melting towards towards the legs and flex the feet. Perform this before bed to help calm down the nervous system and promote better quality sleep.

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