Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Does Trt Cause Sleep Apnea

How Do I Know For Sure If I Have High Hematocrit

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The only way to determine whether you have high hematocrit/hemoglobin is to have your doc order a standard blood chemistry panel. If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of guy, plenty of online organizations will order the test for you without having to pester your doctor.

For instance, you can buy a Complete Blood Count/Chemistry/Lipid Panel Blood Test from Life Extension for $26.95. They’ll email you the lab order, and then you can take it to your nearest LabCorp or equivalent to have your blood drawn. A few days later, they send you the results in an email.

You may balk at this, but it’s a smart thing to do. There’s too much irony in getting your muscularity, libido, and overall joie de vivre up to snuff only to die from molasses-thick blood.

Why Does Trt Cause Sleep Apnea/snoring

  • Thread starterjiu jitsu

Ive worked in sleep medicine for 15 years…Interested to hear other contributing factors.

I have heard this alot with guys on trt as well as ringing of the ear.. I too had this issue of snoring. My chiropractor adjusted my neck and no more ringing of the ear or snoring. I visit my chiropractor once a month to keep things in order

Mrs. E has been saying the same thing to me since starting TRT. It got really bad the first few weeks of my last cycle. I think that was a combo of weight gain and a mild reaction to a new brand of test – I think I had some lymph inflammation. I know that I should go for a sleep study, but with the pandemic rules and having little kids, Im kicking that can down the road. I did buy a mouth guard that helps keep my jaw and tongue in a better place and it really seemed to help. I used it for a few weeks and kid of forgot about it. I think it worked like a back brace to improve posture, just inside my airway. I will still go get a legitimate medical evaluation at some point, but very happy with the results from the mouth guard.

Common Questions About Trt

For men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, such as decreased libido and low energy levels, testosterone replacement therapy may help. Testosterone replacement therapy is a type of hormone treatment that will help increase your testosterone levels back to normal so you can function at your best.

We sat down with our in-house doctor, Dr. Peter Ramsussen, to answer commonly asked questions about TRT treatments. If youre wondering if TRT may be right for you, hear him weigh in on our TRT treatments and how they may be able to help you.

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How Much Does Trt Cost

The costs of TRT varies based on what type youre prescribed. If you have health insurance and need TRT to treat a health condition, you likely wont pay the full cost. The actual cost may also vary based on your location and whether theres a generic version available.

Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $1,000 per month. The actual cost depends on a range of factors, including:

  • your location
  • administration method
  • whether theres a generic version available

When considering the cost, keep in mind that TRT simply boosts your T levels. It wont treat the underlying cause of your low T, so you may need life-long treatment.

Sleep Apnea And Testosterone

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What does apnea have to do with testosterone? Everything! Your precious shuteye is responsible for a host of all-important physiological functions, including rebuilding your testosterone and neurotransmitters, optimizing stress hormones, and mapping memory. Therefore, any condition, such as apnea that lowers the quality or quantity of sleep, is a physical and hormonal train wreck waiting to happen.

Apnea is one of the nastiest sleep disorders because it is so disruptive. After all, what could interfere with sleep more than having your airways and oxygen blocked off? Unfortunately, one study after another has rolled out showing how complex apnea is on the body, and hormones are no exception.

One early study looked at just how severe the damage can be and found that apnea sufferers went from an average low testosterone test of 391ng/dL to a much closer-to-normal 487ng/dL after corrective surgery. That’s a jump of 25% in testosterone after their apnea was corrected! However, a later study of guys in their 40’s, showed an astonishing 68% difference between controls and males with apnea. Regardless of the exact number, you get the idea: apnea is devastating to your most precious hormone, testosterone.

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Effect Of Low Testosterone On Sleep Quality And Fatigue

While the quantity and quality of sleep lead to reduced testosterone levels, there is also evidence to suggest the reverse. In a cohort study of men aged 65 years, those with low testosterone levels experienced decreased sleep efficiency, increased frequency of nighttime awakenings, and reduced deep sleep time . A mouse study showed that loss of testosterone after gonadectomy results in a significant decrease in the amount of deep sleep, which can be treated by testosterone replacement therapy .

In addition to lower serum testosterone, patients with severe OSA also have higher levels of general fatigue, physical fatigue and mental fatigue, and reduced physical activity. Nadir oxygen saturation is not a significant predictor of fatigue, but a multivariate analysis revealed that testosterone level was the only independent predictor of physical fatigue and reduced activity in patients with OSA .

Study Finds Blood Clots Developed As Soon As 3 Weeks After Starting Therapy

A study first published on Aug. 7, 2013 in Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis found that blood clots developed as quickly as three weeks after men began using testosterone therapy drugs.

The study identified seven men who had used the drugs before or at the time they were admitted to the hospital for serious blood clots. The men experienced blood clots at 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 12 months or 27 months after starting TRT.

Our research found that 1.2 percent of men who landed in the hospital with dangerous and potentially lethal blood clots in the deep veins of the legs or in the lungs developed these clots within three months of starting testosterone therapy, study author Dr. Charles Glueck of the Jewish Hospital Cholesterol and Metabolism Center told the Cincinnati Business Courier.

According to Glueck, an inherited clotting disorder can increase the risk of blood clots. He said people should be tested for risk factors before beginning TRT.

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What Else Causes Elevated Hematocrit

You don’t have to be on TRT to develop erythrocytosis. Before I list other potential causes, we need to differentiate between primary and secondary erythrocytosis. The former is usually a result of a neoplasm that causes the bone marrow to create too many red blood cells. It’s a doubly serious condition that requires doctoring.

The second type of erythrocytosis is referred to as “secondary erythrocytosis,” and it’s the type associated with TRT. It’s caused either by an increase in EPO production or a decrease in hepcidin levels.

Several things can cause secondary erythrocytosis. First up are conditions that cause oxygen deprivation, which in turn simulate the production of EPO:

  • Smoking
  • Severe lung disease, such as COPD
  • Birth defects of the heart
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

And then there’s secondary erythrocytosis that isn’t caused by oxygen deprivation. The causes include:

  • Kidney tumors, cysts, or narrowing of nephrotic arteries.
  • Tumors of the liver, brain, or adrenal gland
  • Genetic disorders
  • And, of course, TRT

Obviously, most of the causes of erythrocytosis require medical attention. There are, however, several ways to reduce erythrocytosis, TRT-induced or otherwise, and not all of them require visiting a doctor.

Forms Of Testosterone Supplements

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Testosterone replacement therapy is available in several forms. All can improve testosterone levels:

  • Skin patch : Androderm is a skin patch worn on the arm or upper body. It’s applied once a day.
  • Gels: AndroGel and Testim come in packets of clear testosterone gel. Testosterone is absorbed directly through the skin when you apply the gel once a day. AndroGel, Axiron, and Fortesta also come in a pump that delivers the amount of testosterone prescribed by your doctor. Natesto is a gel applied inside the nose.
  • Mouth patch:Striant is a tablet that sticks to the upper gums above the incisor, the tooth just to the right or left of the two front teeth. Applied twice a day, it continuously releases testosterone into the blood through the oral tissues.
  • Injections and implants: Testosterone can also be injected directly into the muscles, or implanted as pellets in the soft tissues. Your body slowly absorbs the testosterone into the bloodstream.

Why not a simple testosterone pill? Oral testosterone is available. However, some experts believe oral testosterone can have negative effects on the liver. Using other methods, such as skin patches, gels, orally disintegrating tablets, or injections, bypasses the liver and gets testosterone into the blood directly.

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The Intertwined Relationship Between Insomnia And Low Testosterone

As you can see, there is an intertwined relationship between low testosterone and insomnia. The lower your testosterone levels, the higher your cortisol levels. You sleep less and produce smaller amounts of testosterone.

Now, we take it a step further by looking at how the body uses testosterone. Just as progesterone is the precursor to testosterone, so too is testosterone the provider of estrogen. An enzyme called aromatase takes some of the bodys free testosterone and converts it into estradiol the primary form of estrogen for men and women. Estrogen is necessary to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin that regulates sleep. Lack of serotonin further influences your sleep cycle, causing restless nights.

During the day, your body responds to low testosterone, chronic insomnia, and fatigue by increasing hunger. Elevated cortisol levels stimulate the body to produce ghrelin the hormone that causes you to eat. To get more energy, you will likely overeat or grab unhealthy choices: the result weight gain. People who are overweight have an increased risk of developing sleep apnea. There we go back to that intertwined relationship and vicious cycle.

Low testosterone and insomnia are caught in a vicious cycle that continues to go around in circles with no end in sight.

Why Does Low Testosterone Affect Your Sleep And Cause Insomnia

The first link between low testosterone and insomnia has to do with another hormone cortisol. You probably know this as the hormone associated with stress. Although your body does require a little cortisol each day, too much will interfere with you falling asleep. Elevated levels of cortisol keep your body in a state of high alert well into the evening hours. That is the time your circadian rhythm wants you to relax. Cortisol prevents you from relaxing.

As the evening wears on, you cannot drift comfortably off to sleep. Instead, you toss and turn, reducing your deep sleep time each night. Why is this important? Your body uses periods of slow-wave sleep to secrete both testosterone and growth hormone into the bloodstream. Then, the cells of your body put these two hormones to work for metabolizing the food you ate, processing the days activities and committing them to memory, and for tissue repair and blood cell production.

If you do not get enough sleep , you will wake up in a state of hormone deficiency. Your body will feel tired, and your brain will feel sluggish. As this process continues , cortisol levels continue to climb.

When will low testosterone cause insomnia in women, and does testosterone decline at the same time as with men?

When testosterone levels decline, cortisol levels rise, causing sleep disturbances and insomnia.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Trt Therapy

According to this literature review, there isnt yet any concrete scientific evidence about TRT side effects, especially with long-term use. As such, it is generally considered a safe therapy.

While some men experience immediate side effects after TRT, there are no comprehensive, long-term, and large-scale clinical studies to establish the long-term side effects of TRT. Nevertheless, scientists agree that as a hormone replacement therapy , there are some possible side effects and that anyone undertaking TRT should do so with caution.

Here are the possible side effects of TRT therapy.

Subtle Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

Testosterone Induced High Red Blood Cells: How to Manage Hematocrit

The symptoms of low testosterone are sometimes obvious, but they also can be subtle. Testosterone levels decline naturally in men as they age over decades. But certain conditions can also lead to an abnormally low level. Symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Low sense of well-being

If men have symptoms of low testosterone and tests show they have an abnormally low testosterone level, a doctor may suggest treatment. For millions of men who have low testosterone levels but no symptoms, no treatment is currently recommended. It has also not been approved for treating men with low levels because of aging.

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Can Trt Help With Losing Fat

Low testosterone is associated with being overweight in several ways. First, excess fat causes your body to convert more testosterone into estrogen. Additionally, when your testosterone levels are lower, you have less motivation to work out and stay in shape. This cycle makes the problem worse. The good news is that increasing your testosterone level has been shown to cause significant and sustained weight loss and a trimmer waistline.

Does Testosterone Help Women

Testosterone is often exclusively associated with men. Its a hormone thats become synonymous with pumping iron at the gym and having a high sex drive. But low testosterone isnt just a male problem. Its important to remember women also suffer from lower testosterone levels.

Symptoms that women suffer from low testosterone mirror the same signs found in men: a diminished sex drive, lethargy, and a tougher time maintaining muscle mass.

Some of this is tied to menopause. Testosterone is produced by the ovaries, and this is something that can decrease for women both pre and post-menopause. Women, especially as they approach middle age, should be cognizant of how sleep can help mitigate the anticipated decline in testosterone and other hormone production.

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Insomnia Relief For Individuals With Low Testosterone

The link between sleep issues and low testosterone is something to be aware of. Read on for more information on insomnia relief and trt therapy.

The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is 7 to 9 hours per night. About 30 percent of the general population complains of trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Insomnia relief medication is big business.

Insomnia is costing the U.S. $63.2 billion in lost productivity each year. That works out to 11.3 lost days for each worker. Its more than just a little daytime sleepiness!

Could your tiredness and lack of rest be caused by low testosterone? Or is it the other way around- could your lack of good sleep be affecting your testosterone level? Read on to learn more about the link between insomnia relief and testosterone.

Physical And Mental Function And Quality Of Life

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Driving ability was not altered by testosterone treatment. Physical activity , mood , sleepiness , and quality of life were not altered by testosterone treatment. Metabolic function was unchanged. .

Plot of mean and se of mean for physical and mental function and quality of life. The left plot shows baseline, and the right plot shows the change from baseline in the pooled testosterone and pooled placebo groups. Significant differences among groups are indicated by the asterisk. No significant changes were detected in homeostasis model assessment determined insulin resistance or insulin production, FOSQ, total SF36 score, Epworth or Stanford sleepiness scales, PASE, the vigor component of the POMS, or steering or speed deviation of the driving performance task. In some instances the scale of the left and right plots differ. For further details, see text.

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Physical Activity And Questionnaires

Physical activity was determined objectively by accelerometry using the manufacturers proprietary software and by PASE questionnaire .

General and sleep-specific were assessed before and after treatment in each phase of the study. Mood was assessed by the Profile of Mood States Questionnaire and lower urinary tract symptoms associated with prostate growth were assessed by the IPSS .

Benefits Of Testosterone Therapy

What can you expect from testosterone treatment? It’s impossible to predict, because every man is different. Many men report improvement in energy level, sex drive, and quality of erections. Testosterone also increases bone density, muscle mass, and insulin sensitivity in some men.

Men also often report an improvement in mood from testosterone replacement. Whether these effects are barely noticeable, or a major boost, is highly individualized. Learn more about the best testosterone boosters in 2020 and beyond.

Karen Herbst, MD, PhD, an endocrinologist at University of California-San Diego, specializes in testosterone deficiency. She estimates about one in 10 men are “ecstatic” about their response to testosterone therapy, while about the same number “don’t notice much.” The majority have generally positive, but varying responses to testosterone replacement.

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What Are The Risks Of High Hematocrit

One of the primary risks of testosterone that is you need to be aware of is called polycythemia or erythrocytosis. This is a condition where your body produces too many red blood cells, also known as high hematocrit level. Hematocrit refers to the percent of red blood cell content in your blood. If your hematocrit levels rise, your blood will become too thick or viscous. This can, in turn, make it more likely that you will develop strokes, heart attacks, and clotting events. Polycythemia is serious and potentially life-threatening if untreated.

Since the RBCs count is too high in people with erythrocytosis, the blood viscosity also increases which can lead to various potentially life-threatening medical issues such as venous thromboembolism. This basically means that small blood clots separate from their original source and are transported by blood through veins and capillaries, causing blockages that lead to stroke, myocardial infarction or other complications.

It can be quite stressful for a man who has finally gotten on TRT, feels better and then finds out that his hemoglobin is high. Of course, he can always lower his testosterone dosage to try to solve the problem, but this may not be a solution that either doctor or patient want to pursue. Many men have found that their erectile dysfunction is greatly helped and/or morning erections and libido have returned. The last thing they want to do is lower their dose.

Just look at what some recent studies have concluded:

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