Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Good Sleep Help You Lose Weight

Lack Of Rest Makes You Crave Food

5 Things you should do before you sleep and that will help you lose weight

Many people believe that hunger is related to willpower and learning to control the call of your stomach, but thats incorrect. Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin is a hormone that is produced in your fat cells. The less leptin you produce, the more your stomach feels empty. The more ghrelin you produce, the more you stimulate hunger while also reducing the number of calories you burn and increasing the amount of fat you store. In other words, you need to control leptin and ghrelin to successfully lose weight, but sleep deprivation makes that nearly impossible. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that sleeping less than six hours triggers the area of your brain that increases your need for food while also depressing leptin and stimulating ghrelin.

If thats not enough, the scientists discovered exactly how sleep loss creates an internal battle that makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. When you dont sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise. This is the stress hormone that is frequently associated with fat gain. Cortisol also activates reward centers in your brain that make you want food. At the same time, the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A combination of high ghrelin and cortisol shut down the areas of your brain that leave you feeling satisfied after a meal, meaning you feel hungry all the timeeven if you just ate a big meal.

And it gets worse.

The Link Between Lack Of Sleep And Hunger

One of the many factors which determine how much we eat is hunger. The reverse also applies: Part of what stops us from eating is a feeling of being full. These feelings donât come out of thin air, but are rather triggered by two different hormones: Leptin , and ghrelin .

As it turns out , sleep-deprived people have elevated levels of ghrelin and decreased levels of leptinâand thatâs after only one night of poor sleep. In practice, this means their physiological response to lack of sleep is doubly damaging: They feel both more hungry and less fullthan they would have if they had a full nightâs sleep.

Perhaps even worse, this elevated feeling of hunger has been shown to translate into a significant increase in calorie consumptionânearly 400kcal more each day!

This increased consumption is likely due to both these hunger hormones as well as the brainâs response to sleep deprivation, which weâll dive into next.

Getting More Sleep Reduces Caloric Intake A Game Changer For Weight Loss Programs

Understanding the underlying causes of obesity and how to prevent it is the best way to fight the obesity epidemic, according to Esra Tasali, MD, Director of the UChicago Sleep Center at the University of Chicago Medicine. The current obesity epidemic, according to experts, is mostly explained by an increase in caloric intake, rather than lack of exercise, she said.

Now, a new study on how getting sufficient sleep affects caloric intake in a real-world setting could change how we think about weight loss.

In a randomized clinical trial with 80 adults, published February 7 in JAMA Internal Medicine, Tasali and her colleagues at UChicago and the University of WisconsinMadison found that young, overweight adults who habitually slept fewer than 6.5 hours a night were able to increase their sleep duration by an average of 1.2 hours per night after a personalized sleep hygiene counseling session. The sleep intervention was intended to extend time in bed duration to 8.5 hours and the increased sleep duration compared to controls also reduced participants overall caloric intake by an average of 270 kcal per day.

Most other studies on this topic in labs are short-lived, for a couple of days, and food intake is measured by how much participants consume from an offered diet, said Tasali. In our study, we only manipulated sleep, and had the participants eat whatever they wanted, with no food logging or anything else to track their nutrition by themselves.

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How To Lose Weight With A Good Nights Sleep

Your behavior and lifestyle are two important aspects that contribute to obesity. Although diet and exercise should never be ignored as important tools for weight loss, behavioral changes such as sleep shouldnt be overlooked either.

Here are three tips that can help you get better sleep and support healthy weight loss.

Poor Sleep Is Strongly Linked To Weight Gain


When you think about all the things that can impact weight gain, you may not think that sleep is one of them. However, there is a strong relationship between quality sleep and weight management. Sleep, and more importantly, sleep deprivation, can have a significant impact on your weight and metabolism.

If youre trying to lose weight, the amount of sleep you get can be just as important as diet and exercise. Studies show that people with a short sleep duration tend to weight significantly more than those who get adequate, quality sleep. In one study, children and adults with short sleep duration were 89% and 55% more likely to develop obesity, respectively.

Think about it: If youre feeling sleepy during the day, you may be reach for a cup of coffee and a doughnut for a quick shot of energy. Later you may skip the gym and pick up takeout on your way home to your family too tired to cook.

If youre trying to lose weight, getting quality sleep is crucial. Mounting evidence shows that sleep may be the missing factor for many people who are struggling to lose weight. While theres no hard number that applies to all people, a good rule of thumb is to receive between seven and nine hours of sleep per night.

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You Eat More Calories When Youre Sleep Deprived

When youâre sleep deprived, ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry, rises, while leptin, the hormone that suppresses appetite, falls. This is the perfect storm for increased hunger levels, and therefore overeating and increased calorie intake. And, most of the time, those extra calories donât come from healthy food, we crave high-calorie foods and processed foods.

Whatâs more, when you havenât had enough sleep, endocannabinoids flood your body. These are chemical messengers that signal to the brainâs pleasure receptors, making eating feel more enjoyable, and therefore increasing food cravings. This leads to â you guessed it â increased hunger and increased calorie intake.

Thereâs also the simple argument that if youâre sleep deprived, youâre obviously awake for longer, giving you more time in the day to eat. Plus, not getting enough sleep can impact the brainâs prefrontal cortex and your impulse control takes a hit, making it much harder to resist unhealthy food choices like junk food.

One study found after six nights of getting just four hours of sleep, leptin levels were about 19% lower than when not sleep deprived. The circadian rhythm of leptin was also affected by sleep deprivation. Leptin levels rose two hours earlier and were 26% lower overall, and daytime peak levels were 20% lower. And all of these changes were seen without any change in calories consumed or exercise.

How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss

There is a deep connection between sleep and fat loss. Over the last few decades, the average amount of time that a person sleeps has significantly decreased. The reasons for this include increased stress and unhealthy eating patterns . There is an instant connection between sleep and fat loss, as the risk of obesity increases with reduced quality and quantity of sleep.

Lack of sleep can also increase your appetite, making it difficult to cut down on calories or achieve a desired number on the scale. Plenty of studies over the years have shown that when a person is sleep-deprived, their craving for food high in calories and carbs increases significantly.

There is a scientific background that explains the importance of sleep for weight loss. The lack of sleep activates certain neurotransmitters that are central to your appetite. When you disrupt the bodys naturally-occurring cycle, these neurotransmitters elevate and take control of your urge to eat. If you dont get enough sleep, then the neurotransmitters that give your body the signal to consume food are out of balance, making you want to consume food even if youre not hungry.

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Get The Recommended 7

There are some instances where getting a full nights sleep can be a challenge, especially if you have young children or a sleep disorder. However, sleep duration matters just as much as sleep quality does when it comes to weight loss.

Not only are people who sleep 7-9 hours able to lose weight easier than people who sleep 6 hours or less each night, but theyre also able to lose weight specifically in their waist circumference.

Abdominal fat is especially dangerous to your health because it increases your risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, losing belly fat can have a big impact on your overall health.

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Reduced Odds Of Sleep Apnea

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If youre overweight your doctor may have warned you about sleep apnea. Losing weight can help you reduce risk of developing this disease. Sleep apnea can wake you up in the middle of your night and affect sleep quality. Youre not as well-rested and you could end up falling asleep during the day or even behind the wheel of your car. This can be an incredibly debilitating disorder that a goodweight management plan can help you avoid or fix.

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How Does Sleep Affect Body Weight

Researchers speculate that there are several ways that chronic sleep deprivation might lead to weight gain, either by increasing how much food people eat or decreasing the energy that they burn.

Sleep deprivation could increase energy intake by

  • Increasing hunger: Sleep deprivation may alter the hormones that control hunger. One small study, for example, found that young men who were deprived of sleep had higher levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and lower levels of the satiety-inducing hormone leptin, with a corresponding increase in hunger and appetite-especially for foods rich in fat and carbohydrates.
  • Giving people more time to eat: People who sleep less each night may eat more than people who get a full nights sleep simply because they have more waking time available. Recently, a small laboratory study found that people who were deprived of sleep and surrounded by tasty snacks tended to snack more-especially during the extra hours they were awake at night-than when they had adequate sleep.
  • Prompting people to choose less healthy diets: Observational studies have not seen a consistent link between sleep and food choices. But one study of Japanese workers did find that workers who slept fewer than six hours a night were more likely to eat out, have irregular meal patterns, and snack than those who slept more than six hours.

Sleep deprivation could decrease energy expenditure by

How Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight

Adequate sleep at night helps your body recover from the previous day, prepare for the next, and keep everything working as it should. Many of these nightly processes such as hormone regulation and regulation of your metabolism can be directly connected to your body weight.

A few ways that good sleep can help you lose weight include:

  • Keeping your appetite under control and making better dietary choices
  • Boosting your metabolism and keeping it functioning well
  • Helping you stay physically active, and boosting your energy

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How To Start Sleeping Better In One Week

Rome wasnt conquered in a day, as the old saying goes, but you can improvise your sleep habits in a single week by tackling some or all of the suggestions on our day-by-day chart of sleep improvements. Take them one at a time, and if something doesnt work for you, no worries: just move on to the next suggestion.

Avoid Light During The Night


Avoid all kinds of lights during sleep . Research suggests that light before bedtime can suppress melatonin. Sleeping with a light affects the circadian regulation of metabolism, increasing the risk of weight gain, according to the Sleep Foundation. The sleep environment, as well as our sleep equipment, are important and we keep that in mind at Ergomotion®.mode all night long. Theres no need to be addicted to the gym. Its a matter of doing it right, at the right time.

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Does Oversleeping Cause Depression

Its important to remember that oversleeping is a possible symptom of depression and that oversleeping doesnt cause depression. But it can exacerbate and worsen depression symptoms, Dr. Drerup explains. If someones oversleeping, they may wake up and feel like theyve missed out on the day, she says.

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Dont Ignore Poor Sleep Or Weight Gain

Sometimes its hard to notice when you gain a few extra pounds, until you realize that your clothes dont fit like they used to, youre feeling more tired throughout the day, and its harder to get yourself to exercise. But remember following close behind weight gain are health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and sleep apnea.

Poor sleep may not seem like a major culprit for those extra pounds, but getting better sleep is one of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy weight. Getting a good nights sleep puts you one step closer to shedding any extra weight and experiencing greater overall health.

Mostly you have control over your sleep habits, but if youre at risk for or suspect you have undiagnosed sleep apnea you could be suffering from sleep deprivation and dont even know it.

Its important to talk to your doctor and seek an evaluation of your symptoms, or contact our Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee office today!

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How Is Sleep Related To Physical Activity

Losing sleep can result in having less energy for exercise and physical activity. Feeling tired can also make sports and exercising less safe, especially activities like weightlifting and or those requiring balance. While researchers are still working to understand this connection, its well known that exercise is essential to maintaining weight loss and overall health.

Getting regular exercise can improve sleep quality, especially if that exercise involves natural light. While even taking a short walk during the day may help improve sleep, more activity can have a more dramatic impact. Engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week can improve daytime concentration and .

The Connection Between Poor Sleep And Weight Gain

How to lose weight while you sleep| Apple Cider Vinegar

While there is continuing debate about the relationship between sleep and weight, numerous studies show that your weight tends to increase if you get less sleep than required. For example, a JAMA Internal Medicine journal study says that shorter sleep duration leads to higher body mass index. In addition, on average, sleep-deprived people ate 300 extra calories per day. Further, they developed a preference for fatty foods. Also, while people began to binge due to inadequate sleep, they did not burn those extra calories. Thus, calorie consumption exceeds the value of calorie expenditure. If you stay consistent with such pattern, the net result is weight gain.

When you eat also appears to be crucial in understanding your weight gain pattern. For instance, eating late in the day and going to bed much later than most puts you at risk of weight gain. It has been noted that late sleepers eat about 250 calories more than early sleepers. Tiredness from lack of sleep sends out the wrong signals to the brain. It primarily impacts the function of ghrelin and leptin, two hormones regulating your drive to eat. The leptin hormone tells you when to stop eating, and ghrelin also known as a hunger hormone, is your signal to eat. When you fail to get enough sleep, leptin levels decrease, and the brain then sends hunger signals. As a result, you eat even though youre not hungry. The extra calories taken in are stored as fat, leading to weight gain.

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Wait How Good I Sleep Can Affect My Weight

This was a “something I didn’t know” moment for us too. We will be covering sleep from a lot of angles these new few months, but sleep and weight loss is one of those that has most of our ears perk up.

Probably as much as the next person, we are always interested in any of those “life hacks” that can give us an edge on better health and getting another aid in the fight against unwanted pounds was definately a subject we wanted to cover.

Losing weight is challenging, and keeping weight off can be just as difficult. Although the medical community is still untangling the complicated relationship between sleep and body weight, several potential links have emerged that highlight the potential weight loss benefits of getting a good nights rest and the negative health impacts of sleep deprivation.

The Connection Between Sleep and Weight

While there is continuing debate within the medical community about the exact nature of this relationship, the existing research points to a positive correlation between good sleep and healthy body weight.

There remains much to be discovered about the intricate details of how sleep and weight are connected. Several hypotheses offer paths for additional research with the hope that increasing our understanding of the relationship between weight and sleep will lead to reduced obesity and better weight-loss methods.

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