Thursday, July 25, 2024

Newborn Breathing Fast While Sleeping

What Is Heavy Breathing A Sign Of

Baby breathing funny while sleeping | Heiress Mariah

You breathe harder because your bodys need for oxygen increases with exertion. Heavy breathing when youre not moving is a sign that your body has to work harder to get enough oxygen. This may be because less air is getting in through your nose and mouth, or too little oxygen is making its way into your bloodstream.

What Might Breathing Problems Mean In A Newborn

Babies breathe much faster than older children and adults. A newborn’s normal breathing rate is about 40 to 60 times per minute. This may slow to 30 to 40 times per minute when the baby is sleeping. A babys breathing pattern may also be different. A baby may breathe fast several times, then have a brief rest for less than 10 seconds, then breathe again. This is often called periodic breathing and is normal. Babies normally use their diaphragm, the large muscle below the lungs, for breathing.

Changes in a baby’s breathing rate or pattern, using other muscles and parts of the chest to breathe, or changes in color may mean the baby is having respiratory distress and needs immediate medical attention.

Signs of respiratory problems may include the following:

For any sign of respiratory problems, consult your baby’s healthcare provider immediately.

Baby Can Be Trying To Copy Mom And Dad

Children look up to their parents. Many people dont realize its not just kids that do this but babies as well. From infancy, children learn to mimic and copy the behaviors around them. Take for example when a mom gets a bad cough, suddenly her baby might start coughing every time she does. Children learn by watching – even rapid breathing can be mimicked.

When a parent decides to put the baby in a jogging stroller and go for a run they might consider how the fresh air will be great for the infant. However, the infant may take this time to learn a new fun trick like rapid breathing. The baby may see and hear their mother making this funny noise and breathing harder than usual so they simply try to copy the behavior. This type of rapid breathing is usually nothing to worry about but rather a funny new trick the baby can do and a sign that the infant is learning about the world around them.

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What Is Heavy Breathing

In simple terms, heavy breathing is nothing but shortness of breath. In medical terms shortness of breath is known as dyspnea which again is a sign of many underlying health issues. The issues could be heart problems, lung infections, anxiety, or allergies.

Noticing heavy breathing while the body is in action such as exercising or any other physical activity is normal but when the same situation is present even while the body is still or at rest is a sign of heavy breathing.

In this condition, the body has to work more to receive sufficient oxygen. Heavy breathing indicates that less air is passing through the mouth and nose or less oxygen is getting into the bloodstream making it difficult for the body to breathe. Heavy breathing is an indication that the body has to work hard to receive adequate oxygen.

What Causes A High Respiratory Rate During Sleep

Why Is My Baby Breathing So Fast?

Rapid shallow breathing is called tachypnea, while deep rapid breathing is usually referred to as hyperventilation. However, both terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Neithfer form of high respiratory rate is a common symptom of any sleep disorder, though tachypnea is sometimes seen in people with sleep apnea being treated with a continuous positive airway pressure machine.

Other causes of an abnormally high respiratory rate include:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other lung conditions
  • Lung infections such as pneumonia
  • Blood clot in one of the lungs arteries
  • Heart failure

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Baby Can Have Contracted Pneumonia

Pneumonia can cause rapid breathing in all people as well as infants. If the child has pneumonia, it is of the utmost importance to get the baby to the Emergency room or pediatrician right away. Pneumonia can be deadly to elderly people and infants as well as persons with compromised immune systems. Knowing the signs and symptoms of pneumonia is extremely important for any caregiver of an infant and one of those signs is rapid breathing.

Rapid breathing in infants is often considered taking more than 60 breaths per minute regularly. While it is true that infants do breathe faster than adults or even young children, if the baby is steadily taking more than 60 breaths per minute it could be a sign of pneumonia. Other symptoms of pneumonia include but are not limited to: fever, lack of appetite, wheezing, and change in coloring. If pneumonia is suspected it is best to contact a medical professional for additional guidelines for care.

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Characteristics of The Womb

So what does the womb have that your house doesnt? Lets think about the environment baby is familiar with: Baby Breathing Fast While Sleeping

  • Lots of white noise hes used to a very loud environment, what with the outside noises mixing with the sounds of the bodys machinery
  • Cramped quarters hes used to existing in a very small space, where everything is close together
  • Feeling supported hes used to being touched and supported on the sides and bottom of the womb, which creates a sense of comfort from being touched
  • Fetal position hes accustomed to laying in the fetal position, with the arms and legs drawn up and close to the body

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Baby Can Be Having Night Terrors

The things of nightmares is a common phrase people use to describe something scary. When a person is scared their breathing increases to a rapid rate. The same is true of infants. Infants can have night terrors that cause them to feel fear and therefore their body reacts by causing them to breathe rapidly.

Parents cant make all night terrors go away for their children, though many would like too. However there are a few things a person can do to help reduce the frequency of night terrors. It has been hypothesized by experts that night terrors are due to a transition between sleep cycles and that these terrors only occur during REM sleep. Some experts believe there is nothing to be done for night terrors while others have suggested gently almost-waking the child but letting them drift back to sleep. It is believed waking prevents the terrors by causing the child to enter into a different REM cycle.

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Having Trouble Breathing

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Nasal flaring When nostrils spread open while your child breathes, they may be having to work harder to breathe. Wheezing A whistling or musical sound of air trying to squeeze through a narrowed air tube. Usually heard when breathing out. Grunting Grunting sound when breathing out.

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Baby Can Be Feeling Overstimulated

Often people find that while playing with a baby, the baby can become agitated and upset and then suddenly begin breathing rapidly. While infants love interaction and watching people talk to them they can easily become overstimulated. Parents often think they need all the best toys, books, and music for babies when in reality infants’ senses of sight and sound are not the same as adults, so many simple things can become frightening and too much for the baby to handle.

While parents obviously dont want to cause rapid breathing from overstimulation it can be easily fixed by nurturing the child or swaddling the baby to calm her down. Many people however still want to find ways to interact with infants to bond, and while loud brightly colored toys are not good for keeping an infant calm there are other options. Babies see red and black colors best so toys in those colors will be easy for them to examine. Babies also enjoy soothing white noise sounds and the sounds they grew accustomed to in the uterus. So while overstimulation can cause rapid breathing there are still ways a parent can stimulate the babys mind and development without overwhelming the baby.

Heavy Breathing In Babies While Sleeping

Toddler heavy breathing while sleeping is also as common as heavy breathing in adults while sleeping.

Newborns less than 6 months old usually breathe 40 times per minute, anything more than this or less than this may indicate some underlying problem.

In general, fast breathing or heavy breathing is itself not a problem, however, here are few things to take note of.

  • Deep coughing, which could be a symptom of infection or mucus in the lungs
  • Snoring or whistling noise, which could require taking off mucus from the nose
  • A snarling and hoarse cry that may signal croup
  • Heavy, fast breathing which may supposedly be mucus in the airways from transient tachypnea or pneumonia
  • Wheezing due to bronchiolitis or asthma
  • Constant dry cough that could be the result of an allergy

Keep a watch on how your baby breathes and work out with your pediatrician if you notice any deviance in the breathing of the child.

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Causes Of Fast Breathing During Sleep

Mouth breathing during sleep

This is the most destructive sleep factor. Nasal breathing is crucial for ones health during sleep and at all other times. It was considered before and is easy to check. Is your mouth dry when you wake up? If it so, consider using a simple mouth taping technique .

For many modern mouth breathers, the night mouth taping technique will immediately reduce their problems with after-sleep headaches, weight gain, acne, sleep talking and sleep paralysis.

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Sleeping on ones back makes breathing heavier

Among body positions, sleeping on ones back is worst for all tested conditions, as 24 medical studies suggest . Some people experience sleep paralysis and sleep talking only in the supine posture. Research conducted in the Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo found that, indeed, A greater number of individuals reported SP in the supine position than all other positions combined. The supine posture was also 3-4 times more common during SP than when normally falling asleep . Kompanje also observed that that sleep paralysis and hypnagogic experiences occur more often in supine position of the body.

Childrens ventilation is minimum when they are sleeping on their tummies . Swaddled infants should sleep on their backs.

Presence of disease and existing damage in the body

Talking about sleep effects during his Lecture in the Moscow State University, Dr. Buteyko noticed,

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Baby Can Simply Have A Cold

Newborn Baby Breathing Fast During Sleep

When an infant has a cold they can become quite agitated, have stuffy noses, and generally become somewhat inconsolable. All of these symptoms combined especially with the stuffy nose can mean the infant starts breathing rapidly. The best thing a parent can do in these situations is consult a pediatrician and try to make the infant as comfortable as possible.

So how can parents console a baby to get the babys breathing back to normal? The obvious methods still stand like swaddling, swinging, and trying to feed the infant, etc. Treating the cold itself will help calm the baby by soothing the childs symptoms. If the infant’s pediatrician approves it, giving baby Tylenol to alleviate the fever and aches could be very beneficial. Other more natural remedies include a cold air humidifier, baby massages, and holding the baby so their head is elevated above the chest like it cant be in the crib.

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When To See The Doctor

A very sick baby will look and act very different than normal. But it can be difficult to know whats normal when youve only known your baby for a few weeks. Over time, youll get to know your baby better and your confidence will grow.

You can call your childs doctor whenever you have questions or concerns. Most offices have an on-call nurse who can offer tips and guidance.

  • trouble sleeping or eating
  • deep cough
  • barking cough
  • fever above 100.4°F or 38°C

If your baby has any of these major signs, call 911 or go to an emergency room right away:

  • a distressed look

Should I Buy A Breathing Monitor

It is perfectly understandable to beconcerned and worried about your babys breathing when they are asleep however, the risk of something happening to them is very low and mostdoctors advise parents not to buy breathing monitors if your baby ishealthy and developing well. Surveys conducted amongst doctors and paediatricianshave found that the vast majority of professionals feel that baby breathingmonitors can cause heightened anxiety and do not reduce the risk ofcot death. In some cases, breathing monitors may also cause false alarms,which can panic parents and make them feel very uneasy.

In some cases, baby breathing monitorsmay be given to premature babies but babies that are fit and healthydo not need a breathing monitor, according to health professionals.Parents who have lost a baby to cot death in the past may also be offereda baby breathing monitor however, doctors say it is important thatpeople realise that using a monitor will not help to prevent cot death.

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Breathing Patterns In Infants

  • Infants breathe a lot faster than older children and grown-ups. An infant as old as or younger than 6 months breathes 40 times a minute
  • This seems very fast for a person watching the baby
  • Their breathing slows down to 20 times a minute while newborns sleep.
  • The newbornâs breathing stops and then begins more rapidly after every 5 to 10 seconds
  • This time they breathe around 50 to 60 times a minute for about 10 to 15 seconds
  • In case they pause for more than 10 seconds between inhalations and exhalations it is something to be concerned about
  • In such a case the baby should be rushed to a doctor

What Are The Symptoms Of An Abnormal Respiratory Rate While Asleep

This Device Will Monitor Your Baby’s Breathing Patterns While They Sleep

An abnormal respiratory rate is considered a symptom itself and may not cause any further symptoms. However, the low respiratory rate associated with sleep apnea can cause people to experience excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, morning headaches, and a decrease in concentration. These symptoms usually respond well to sleep apnea treatments like CPAP therapy.

Most other causes of an abnormal respiratory rate tend to have their own symptoms, which may be acute or chronic.

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What To Do If Baby Has Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea generally presents in the first few days of life, usually within a week. Although sleep apnea has not be identified as a cause of SIDS, it can be serious and even life-threatening.

If it seems like your baby has stopped breathing while sleeping, try touching him/her to see if he/she responds. If there is no response, then your little one may be experiencing sleep apnea, and youll need to respond immediately. According to, you should begin infant CPR while another person calls 911. If you are by yourself, then perform infant CPR for two minutes, then call for help. Continue CPR until the paramedics arrive.

As always, if you are concerned about your babys breathing, call a healthcare provider immediately.

Medical Conditions That Can Cause Rapid Breathing

Newborn breathing fast is often seen in the first two days after birth, especially among premature ones. This is a condition known as transient tachypnea.


  • Wheezing and grunting when breathing
  • Retractions and flaring nostrils when breathing


While in the womb, your baby gets oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord. During this time, the babys lungs are filled with a special fluid which helps the lungs to develop. During labor, the lungs stop producing this fluid and that already in the lungs is reabsorbed or excreted. However, in some cases, the fluid is not totally removed and this is the cause of transient tachypnea.

Rapid breathing in newborns is common in babies born prematurely, born via scheduled caesarean section, and born to a mother who has diabetes, and is more common in males than females.


Transient tachypnea usually goes away within one to two days after birth. Treatment in case of newborn breathing fast involves the following:

  • Oxygen. The baby will be put on oxygen to stabilize the oxygen levels in blood.
  • Antibiotics to keep infections at bay
  • IV feeding to provide the baby with the much-needed fluids and nutrients

Other Causes

Some babies, especially those born prematurely, develop pneumonia because their lungs havent developed fully.

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Warning Signs And Symptoms

  • Turns blue all over or in areas that typically get a lot of blood flow like the lips, tongue, and the vagina. Even though bluing of the hands and feet can be fairly common due to an infant’s immature circulatory system, if other areas are turning blue, it’s time to get immediate attention.
  • Has a significantly increased breathing rate, which is more than 60 breaths per minute
  • Struggles to breathe, which can be spotted by the nostrils persistently flaring and the chest retracting unusually
  • Is feeding poorly or has no interest in eating
  • Is lethargic or excessively sleepy

Swaddle Baby Baby Breathing Fast While Sleeping

Baby Breathing Patterns: When to Worry &  When to Relax

Swaddling baby can help her relax and settle down because it mimics the close quarters of the womb. Babies can be unsettled by the free use of their arms and legs after birth, a feeling they didnt have in the womb. Additionally, babies tend to jerk a bit upon falling asleep and can wake themselves up or become startled by these natural movements.

Swaddling baby all the time is fine for the first month of life after that, baby needs access to her arms and legs to develop properly. However, you can still swaddle baby for naps and nighttime to help her sleep.

So what is swaddling?

Swaddling is wrapping baby tightly in a blanket to mimic the feeling of the womb. Swaddling reminds baby of the safety and compact feeling of the womb.

How to swaddle baby

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