Whats Causing My Childs Fever
A high temperature can be a sign of infection including infections in the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Fever helps children and adults to fight infection.
Your childs fever could also be caused by other illnesses, or by vaccinations.
In itself, a fever is not dangerous. It is the cause of the fever that is the concern. Always seek medical advice if you are worried.
Weird Things Babies Do In Their Sleep
Often, new parents are completely freaked out by some of the baby’s behavior.
Nothing in this world is quite as precious as a new baby. Their tiny little feet and hands move with such uncoordinated innocence. Even though their sweet eyes can’t see but a few inches in front of them, they pierce mom’s soul every time they look at her. The way they smell is intoxicating, spit-up and all. Their skin is so soft it’s like a tangible whisper. They are, by far, the most beautiful creation on this planet.
Now that this baby infatuation has been made perfectly clear, let me get my head out of the clouds where all the baby-delivering storks are flying.
In addition to their absolute perfectness, babies are funny and strange. Some of the things they do are not exactly easy to understand. More specifically, weird things that babies do while sleeping perplex us grown ups.
Often, new parents are completely freaked out by some of their baby’s behavior. Odd little things like sleeping with his or her eyes open and making funny noises can scare a new parent into calling grandma or mom for some reassuring guidance.
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting, for it truly is wonderful. Here are 15 weird things babies do in their sleep. Enjoy!
How To Stop Heavy Breathing While Sleeping
Before actually hitting a clinic there are some home remedies and exercises you can try first.
- Sleep in a relaxed position
- Diaphragmatic breathing is another way to treat this
- Drink coffee in moderation caffeine is known to relax muscles
- Quit smoking and avoid exposure to allergens
- Stay in a cool atmosphere
- Follow pursed-lip breathing
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What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
When someone falls asleep, the muscles of the throat relax and the airways at the back of the nose and in the throat become narrow. This can cause snoring or noisy breathing.
Although noisy breathing during sleep is common in children, it may be a sign that the child is having difficulty breathing. In young children, the tonsils and adenoids may grow to be quite large, and this can contribute to narrowing of the airway during sleep. The photo below shows enlarged tonsils in a child with obstructive sleep apnoea.
Obstructive sleep apnoea is a condition where narrowing of the airways at the back of the nose and in the throat during sleep is enough to cause a child to have difficulty breathing or pauses in their breathing. The child will then wake up briefly because they cannot breathe properly, often with a loud gasp or snort. These episodes can happen many times through the night and the disturbed sleep can result in changes in behaviour during the day such as sleepiness, hyperactive behaviour, impulsivity, poor attention and difficulty learning at school.
Top 10 Signs And Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea In Children
As parents, you want the best for your child. One of your biggest fears is that something would come along to compromise the health of your child or place that health at risk. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects nearly three percent of children, according to a scholarly article appearing in the Korean Journal of Pediatrics.
That is why it is so important for you to be on the lookout for these:
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How To Diagnose Sleep Apnea
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine , the only way to properly diagnose sleep apnea is to have your child participate in an overnight sleep study in a sleep lab. During the sleep study, which is called a polysomnogram, sensors are placed on your child to monitor their brain waves, heartbeat and breathing activity during different sleep stages. This helps detect problems and can pinpoint the nature of the breathing problem.
Before taking your child to a sleep lab, youll want to make sure its accredited for children, because the way sleep studies are interpreted in infants and children are different from adults. Moreover, pediatric sleep labs offer the expertise of having technicians that are adept at working with children.
Make Sure Your Baby’s Airway Is Clear
When the babys breathing is not smooth, it can a frightening moment. If possible try to quickly inspect your babys nasal and oral airways in general terms. Perhaps, try to clear the nasal congestion with topical saline drops and then gentle use of a nasal aspirator. Look in your babys mouth and see if there is a foreign object that is easily seen and removed.
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Mildly Erratic Breathing In Babies
A grandmother who was babysitting called an ambulance after her 3-week-old granddaughter paused repeatedly while breathing. The contented, sleeping baby would breathe rapidly for about 20 seconds and then stop breathing altogether. The woman feared the baby had inherited her husband’s sleep apnea.
Although this intermittent breathing can look alarming, “periodic breathing” is common. Babies normally breathe faster than older children because their lungs are small relative to the size of their body. However, researchers suspect that the reason for irregular breathing is that the chemical sensors that detect carbon dioxide aren’t fully developed in a newborn. This means that babies sometimes just don’t know they need to breathe, and they pause until carbon dioxide levels become high enough to trigger these sensors.
When to Worry About Erratic Breathing in Babies
If your baby ever has a blue or gray color around her mouth, or seems to be struggling to breathe, contact your doctor immediately.
How Is Transient Tachypnea Of The Newborn Diagnosed
Doctors usually diagnose transient tachypnea of the newborn in the first few hours after a baby is born.
A doctor will examine the baby and also might order one or all of these tests:
- Chest X-ray. This safe and painless test uses a small amount of radiation to take a picture of the chest. Doctors can see if the lungs have fluid in them.
- Pulse oximetry. This painless test measures how much oxygen is in the blood. A small piece of tape with an oxygen sensor is placed around a baby’s foot or hand, then connected to a monitor.
- Complete blood count . This blood test checks for signs of infection.
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Why Is My Baby Gasping Or Sobbing In Her Sleep
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If its 3:30am and youre googling why is my baby gasping or sobbing in her sleep? DO NOT PANIC. Its probably normal.
If your baby is making a sound like she had been crying hard but shes completely asleep, you probably dont need to worry.
My daughter did it. Let me walk you through it.
Toot has been doing this in her sleep since she was still in a bassinet next to my bed. Ive freaked out many times, frantically googled, and called the nurse hotline at 2:00am.
I was ever vigilant about her breathing because I thought she would just randomly stop and that would be it. Motherhood has turned me into a constant worrier.
Turns out I had nothing to worry about, and you probably dont either.
The Basics Of Newborn Sleep
Newborns are naturally restless sleepers. Sure, there are minutes and hours when they sleep soundlywhen even the sound of a lawnmower outside or a babbling toddler in the next room doesnt wake them. However, much of the time, newborns cycle through a range of sleep, from fitful and light to deep and restful, from quiet to loud, from gurgly and grunting to squeaky and snoring, and back again.
Newborn sleep can be full of sound and action. Many babies are easily wakeful, move and jolt while sleeping, flail their little arms and legs, make sucking sounds, and whimper for foodthis is all normal.
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If Your Child Stops Breathing
If your child has stopped breathing and is not responsive, immediately begin CPR and call 911.
If your child ceases breathing for 15 seconds or more, and then resumes breathing, visit the pediatric ER. Even if your child seems fine, it is important to make sure the underlying reason for the episode has been resolved.
Many children between the age of 6 months and 6 years experience breath-holding spells, involuntary breath holding that usually occurs when the child is crying or upset. Children who experience these spells do not need to seek emergency care unless the incident results in unconsciousness or a seizure. In these cases, it is best to visit the pediatric ER to make sure there are no other reasons for the seizure or unconsciousness.
Snore Like A Freight Train
You didn’t know the Union Pacific was scheduled to stop in your bedroom did you? Well, in bringing home baby you also brought home a tiny person who can challenge the roar of a freight train! Maybe you can blame all the snoring on your husband and how that trait comes from his side of the family.
More than likely, your baby takes after both of you perfectly and his or her snoring is completely normal. Although it does sound awful, and the extreme noise can be disturbing, snoring doesn’t have to freak you out.
Babies have small airways that are still filled with secretions, so breathing can sound labored. After all that time in the womb with amniotic fluid-filled lungs, can we blame them for making their breathing known to the rest of the world?
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Treatment For Heavy Breathing While Sleeping
Treatment depends on the cause and each cause needs different treatment based on the severity and period of existence. All the causes cant be treated with one simple method. Depending on the cause and the diagnosis reports a health care provider will suggest treatment that may include invasive or non-invasive methods. In rare cases, surgery may also be recommended.
Heavy breathing while sleeping in pregnant women is also seen due to internal changes especially due to the enlargement of the uterus. The reasons for heavy breathing while sleeping differ from person to person, before visiting a doctor try to figure out the condition so that your doctor can understand your situation clearly.
Sudheendra is a passionate blogger for 8 years and holds a Degree in Journalism & Mass Communications. His writings particularly focus on health, medicine, diet & lifestyle. For him, everything that interlinks and relates to health & medical world entices him. His write-ups aim at educating people not by just giving facts but by infusing human touch.
Your Babys Breathing Is Usually Normal
Those first few weeks with baby can be scary. Its natural to analyze every move and every sound baby makesafter all, you just want him/her to be healthy. But the good news is that most of the time those funny noises babys making are totally normal. Babies breathe faster than adults do and its unusual for healthy, full-term babies to have breathing problems. Try to relax and have faithand keep baby close those extra snuggles will do you both good.
As always, if you have any concerns about your babys breathing, call your pediatrician immediately.
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Visit Your Doctor If:
- your child is vomiting after they cough
- has bouts of coughing that last over a minute several times a day, or
- has a cough that lasts for longer than 3-4 weeks
It is very helpful to doctors and nurses if you can video the cough on your mobile phone. This is because different coughs are signs of different conditions:
- long term conditions like cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia
Is Sleep Apnea Life
Severe sleep apnea can be life-threatening. If left untreated, it can affect the childs sleep architecture because the brain continually wakes the child up to breath. If this happens often enough, the infant doesn’t get restful sleep, which can affect functioning during the day. After time, this can cause long-term damage to the heart, brain and other parts of the body as well.
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How Can I Help My Child Breathe Better At Night
The most important thing you can do for your child is advocate. Your child needs you to see this through, by ensuring their health is given a thorough investigation. Work with an interdisciplinary team for the best care: an AirwayCentric® dentist, allergist, and an ear, mouth, and throat specialist. Above all, I cannot stress this enough: Your child must complete their treatment in order to make a permanent change to their health, breathing, and brain health.
In terms of specific dental treatments, we can use one or more of the following, where applicable:
Sleep Easy For Parents
SIDS is the biggest concern for any parent, and we know that its a real risk even if SIDS is rare. Using one of the best baby breathing monitors gives you the peace of mind to be able to sleep well.
Always talk to your doctor if you feel as if this is the right decision for you. He might be able to let you know if its appropriate for your baby or not. Most importantly, remember that these monitors just ring the alarm. They wont do anything to save your baby in the event of an emergency. So, always have a plan, including babysitters.
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How Often Should I Check My Babys Breathing
Typically, your newborn will have been assessed by a skilled healthcare provider before youre fully responsible for her wellbeing. If there were any major respiratory concerns, your baby wouldnt have been discharged from care.
If you have a home birth, or give birth at a freestanding birth centre, you will usually be discharged about 4-8 hours after birth.
During the immediate postnatal period, your midwife will check your babys vital signs and make sure shes safely adjusting to life outside the womb. If youre discharged and not transferred, rest assured your baby is showing all the proper signs of good health.
Your midwife will instruct you and your partner on how often you need to check babys vital signs until she comes back to follow up. You should take your babys vital signs as often as recommended. If you need more reassurance, you can obviously check more frequently, but make sure you also find time to rest.
If you give birth in the hospital, the medical staff will taken your babys vital signs as often as they feel necessary, based on how baby is adjusting.
Once youre discharged, your baby wont need regular vital signs checked at specific intervals. However, if youre doing an early discharge staff might recommend you take vital signs until you follow up with another healthcare provider.
Baby Breathing Patterns And Sounds While Awake
Now that weve covered the basics, lets talk about all those odd sounds your little one produces. In addition to baby breathing fast, its common for baby to make raspy, snorting, grunting or whistling noises.
To new parents, these noises can be unsettling, but think about your own breathing patterns. You probably dont even realize it, but adults make all kinds of weird noises too! Baby breathing patterns are just as varied as your owntheyll make different sounds, depending on their mood. A happy baby is going to make different sounds than a crying baby.
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When To Take Your Child To The Er For Changes In Breathing
Abnormal breathing can be troubling for any parent to witness in his or her child. While some changes in breathing are temporary and relatively harmless, other abnormal breathing episodes may indicate a larger problem.
A variety of pediatric respiratory conditions can affect your child’s breathing. If you notice chronic breathing concerns, visit a pediatric pulmonologist to determine if it may be due to chronic childhood allergies or pediatric asthma.
What Are The Complications Of Poor Rest Oral Posture And Mouth Breathing For Your Child
Though mouth breathing may seem harmless, as a long-term habit it can cause several developmental and health issues:
- Dry mouth The lack of saliva caused by breathing through the mouth can interfere with the normal function of their mouth microbiome and the natural protection against gum disease and cavities.
- Teeth grinding and jaw pain.
- A lower IQ.
If you suspect your child is struggling with an airway sleep disorder, early intervention is key. The sooner your child is treated, the more easily reversible the symptoms. Im happy to use guided growth techniques for children as young as 30 months.
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