Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why Does Sleep Help You Lose Weight

How Does Keto Impact Weight Loss

5 Reasons Why Sleep Helps You Lose Weight

Keto has some traits that are reminiscent of the Atkins diet and other low-carb plans. The keto diet involves dramatically reducing your carbohydrate consumption and substituting fat instead. This dietary alteration will put your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Keto 101

Ketosis is a completely normal metabolic function. Essentially, when your body doesnt have enough glucose for energy, it will burn stored fat instead. Glucose is created when carbohydrates are broken down inside your body. Cutting carbs from your diet means less glucose for your body to burn up.

Replacing carbs with fats will cause acids called ketones to build up in your body. The goal is to force the body to derive its fuel from fat, rather than carbs.

Reduced Odds Of Sleep Apnea

If youre overweight your doctor may have warned you about sleep apnea. Losing weight can help you reduce risk of developing this disease. Sleep apnea can wake you up in the middle of your night and affect sleep quality. Youre not as well-rested and you could end up falling asleep during the day or even behind the wheel of your car. This can be an incredibly debilitating disorder that a goodweight management plan can help you avoid or fix.

How To Minimize Side Effects

Although ketogenic diets are safe for most healthy people, you may experience some side effects while your body adapts to your new eating regimen. This period of adjustment is sometimes called the keto flu and typically only lasts a few days.

Keto flu might include low energy, hunger, sleep disturbances, or digestive discomfort. Some people have reported feeling nauseous for the first few days of keto.

To minimize these side effects, you can ease your way into keto. For instance, you could try a more traditional low-carb diet for a few weeks before going full keto. This process can train your body to start burning more fat before you totally remove carbs from your diet.

A ketogenic diet can also alter your water levels and mineral balance. You may want to add extra salt to your food or consider taking mineral supplements to restore normal balance in your body.

  • Try adding 3,000 milligrams of sodium, along with 1,000 mg of potassium and 300 mg of magnesium to your daily intake to help minimize side effects and restore mineral balance.

Its vital to eat until youre full and refrain from restricting your calorie intake too much, particularly at the beginning of your ketogenic diet. Keto usually leads to weight loss without purposeful calorie restriction.

With the proper supplements and good dietary practices, the side effects of a ketogenic diet can be limited to very tolerable levels.

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Tips For Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Establishing healthy sleep habits can help improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Follow a nightly routine that includes time for relaxing activities like taking a bath, listening to music, or reading.
  • Turn your bedroom into a healthy sleep environment by dimming the lights and setting the thermostat to an ideal sleep temperature of 65°F .
  • Aim to get out of bed in the morning and go to sleep at night around the same time each day.
  • Turn off electronics including your phone, television, and computer at least 60 minutes before bedtime.
  • In the evening hours, avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large meals with a high-fat content.
  • Reduce stress levels through mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation exercises.
  • Engage in 30 or more minutes of exercise and physical activity each day.
  • Speak with your doctor if changing your sleep habits doesnt help or you have concerns about your sleep hygiene.

Why Do I Lose Weight While I Sleep

Sleep and Weight Loss: Why Getting Your ZZZ

The main thing that is changing overnight is the amount of water in your system. It’s amazing how much water weighs! A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, and a pint of water weighs 1 pound . This means that if you drink a 1-liter bottle of soda, you instantly gain 1 kilogram from the water! That’s a big weight change, and it can happen very quickly.

Overnight, there are two processes that cause you to lose water gradually. The first is respiration. Each time you exhale, you lose a little bit of water . The second is transpiration through the skin, also known as sweating. Over the course of a night, both of these processes eliminate quite a bit of water.

Then there is the tradition of using the restroom prior to the morning weigh-in. That process can eliminate up to 1 pound of water.

According to this water information page, the average person eliminates about 1.2 liters of water in urine each day, and also eliminates about 1 liter a day through perspiration and respiration. That’s 2.2 kilograms of weight fluctuation happening throughout the day!

You may have heard that it’s important to drink about eight glasses of water every day. Respiration, transpiration and urination are the reasons why! See the next page to learn more.

Originally Published: Sep 24, 2009

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Why Does Lack Of Sleep Cause Weight Gain

Sleep restriction reduces leptin levels and makes you feel more hungry and have an appetite. Insomnia also makes your brain to make bad food selection and decisions, so you end up snacking too often or eat high-carb diets. Also, Sleep deprivation or poor sleep reduces metabolism and makes glucose utilization for energy difficult. Poor materialism and accumulation of sugar as a sleep deprivation symptom, causes weight gain.

Limit Using Electronics At Bed Time

Snoozing can be a difficult task, particularly when all electronic and screens keep snatching away your choice to relax and rest just a little longer.

Talking to USA Today, Esra Tasali, -the co-founder of the Sleep, more to lose weight study above, limiting electronics close to bedtime can help you get more hours of sleep. You can simply just shut down your computer, TV, cell phone about an hour before bedtime.

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Eat Whole Grains At Lunch

You know to avoid big meals, coffee, colas, and alcohol before bed, but did you know that it’s best to eat your complex carbohydrates at lunchtime, not with dinner? “Serotonin converts to melatonin in your stage 3 REM sleep, and serotonin is sourced from whole-grain complex carbohydrates. So you don’t need to have carbs before bed to sleep, just have them at some point through the day,” says Cat Smiley, owner of Whistler Fitness Vacations, a weight-loss retreat for women.

Also, to meet your daily fiber goal, “about 20 grams of insoluble fiber is important to enable you to sleep, so aim to eat that daily, and you’ll ensure you can convert enough serotonin to sleep well.”

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Why Sleep Is Important For Weight Loss – Forget Everything Else!

If you want to lose weight, experts say you need to get enough sleep. Specifically, researchers have reported that women who sleep 5 hours or less per night generally weigh more than women who sleep 7 hours per night.

These findings, presented at the 2006 American Thoracic Society International Conference, showed that women who slept 5 hours per night were 32% more likely to experience major weight gain and 15% more likely to become obese over the course of the 16-year study, compared to those who slept 7 hours a night.

Those women who slept 6 hours per night were still 12% more likely to experience major weight gain, and 6% more likely to become obese, compared to women who slept 7 hours a night.

This is the largest study to track the effects of sleep habits on weight gain over time it included nearly 70,000 middle-aged women.

The women were first monitored in 1986, and they reported their weight every 2 years for 16 years. At the start of the study, the women who slept 5 hours or less per night weighed an average of 5.4 pounds more than those sleeping 7 hours. They also gained an additional 1.6 pounds more over the next 10 years. While that doesn’t sound like a significant amount, it adds up. That’s 16 pounds in 10 years, and 32 pounds over a 20-year period.

Women Who Sleep Less and Eat Less Still Gain

Were the women who were getting less sleep also eating more? The answer was no. In fact, the opposite was true.

Understanding the Reasons

Inadequate sleep:

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Sleep Restriction Decreases Appetite

Sleep patterns have a big effect on important appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin. The Leptin hormone helps decreases appetite and high leptin levels make us feel fuller. On the other hand, ghrelin is a hunger hormone because it stimulates appetite, and makes gives you a feeling of hunger.

Having poor or short sleep restricts leptin and increases ghrelin levels. The combined effect could increase a persons appetite and make calorie-restriction a difficult habit to practice.

Consequently, in this situation, your increased food intake caused by appetite hormonal changes may result in weight gain. Having a good nights sleep is something you have to prioritize in order to healthily manage your weight.

The Bottom Line: Sleep Is A Promising Target For Obesity Prevention

There is convincing evidence that getting a less than ideal amount of sleep is an independent and strong risk factor for obesity, in infants and children as well as in adults. Most of the research thus far, however, has consisted of observational studies, and it remains to be seen whether teaching children or adults how to get a better nights sleep can lower their risk of obesity or help them lose weight. Randomized clinical trials that are currently underway may soon provide more answers.

Some researchers have cautioned against being too quick to promote sleep as an answer to the obesity epidemic, given the shortcomings of the research conducted to date. Yet from a public health perspective, there is little risk in encouraging healthy sleep through lifestyle changes, such as setting a consistent bedtime, limiting caffeine late in the day, and curtailing high-tech distractions in the bedroom. Good sleep habits have other benefits, too, like boosting alertness at school or work, improving mood, and enhancing overall quality of life. Thats all the more reason to put a long nights sleep on the short list for obesity prevention.

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Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss

Believe it, or not, we actually burn calories as we sleep – but of course, we all burn a different amount of calories, just like we do when were awake. Most people burn an average of 50 calories an hour when asleep, but the exact amount is based on our personal basal metabolic rate – and of course the more sleep we get the more calories we burn. So someone who only sleeps an average of 5 hours a night is more likely to burn less calories than someone who regularly gets 8 hours a night. This is why it can be important to learn how to sleep for longer if you generally don’t get much sleep.

And its a lack of sleep that could affect our attempts to lose weight, as Flo Seabright – Nutritionist and founder of FBF Collective told Live Science: “Lack of sleep can impact food choices, whether thats because adhering to a ‘normal’ healthy, balanced diet just feels more difficult when youre sleep deprived or because we opt for foods that we feel will give us more energy, such as sugary or sweet foods.”

Seabright also said that, when it comes to sleep, it really is quality over quantity: “Quality sleep is key in order to allow your body to function optimally and is an important way in which your body can recover and perform key biological processes, such as hormone regulation – including those hormones related to hunger, appetite and satiety.”

Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss: Lack Of Sleep And Appetite

Sleep Helps Weight Loss and Fat Loss

Hormones play a big part in regulating or increasing our appetites – for instance most of us feel hungrier than normal when we’ve drunk alcohol the night before, normally because weve had less quality sleep and our hormones have been disrupted.

PLos Med research shows that when ghrelin and leptin, the two hunger hormones, are impacted, with disruption to sleep, it can change our diets or how much we crave food. Ghrelin, a hormone which helps to tell you you’re hungry, is released when you have an empty stomach, while Leptin helps to suppress hunger and informs the brain when were hungry.

However, Seabright said: “Sleep is key for our body to regulate these hormones. When the body is not able to regulate these properly, the result can be increased hunger levels and reduced satiety, which make it more difficult to adhere to a nutritionally optimal diet.”

In fact the research around these two hormones, with over 1000 people, found that participants who slept for shorter periods, than those who had a good night’s sleep, had higher ghrelin levels and lower leptin levels. While BMI levels were also higher in the participants who slept for less hours each night.

“When we dont get enough sleep, ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone, and leptin, the ‘satiety hormone, can become imbalanced leading to increased feelings of hunger and reduced satiety throughout the day,” Seabright explained, “Not only do you feel hungrier, but you are less able to recognise when you are full!”

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Getting More Hours Of Sleep Weight Loss Tips

There are other ways to reduce sleep deprivation and burn fat while you sleep every night.

Tip1 : Set your bedroom for sleep and focus on relaxation and release, rather than entertainment.

Tip 2 : Create a pre- bedtime ritual like bathing and meditating, or reading.

Tip 3 : Reduce alcohol, soda, tea, coffee, and chocolate towards evening or into night. An unhealthy amount of caffeine in your body is not good even if you try to sleep over 10 hours.

Tip 4 : Avoid too much eating or gluttony close to bedtime. Some food types may case cause heartburn, making it hard to fall asleep.

Tip 5 : Turn out the lights one hour before slumber. You know that dark rooms can release the natural sleep hormone melatonin, which light always suppresses.

Health Effects Of Sleep Apnea And Excess Weight

Deprived of sufficient, quality rest, sleep apnea sufferers experience significant stress on their cardiovascular, metabolic, and pulmonary systems. This may be particularly worrisome for obese people, because obesity can also elevate the risk of heart, lung, and metabolic problems, potentially compounding their health concerns.

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How Does Sleep Help Weight Loss

Read More

Previous research already shows that insufficient sleep is a risk factor for obesity.

The study studied a group of 80 overweight people who slept less than 6.5 hours per night.

Participants weren’t asked to change their diet or exercise habits and even slept in their own beds.

One group was randomly selected to extend their sleep to eight and a half hours – and the other group carried on as usual.

Scientists found that participants were able to increase their sleep time by 1.2 hours in the two-week period and reduced calorie intake by 270 calories per day.

Sleep More And Reduce Your Craving

? How To Lose Weight With Sleep Apnea – Treatment First! Then Weight Loss.

Too much snacking can produce weight gain, but all depends on the quality or how healthy is your food intake for weight loss. Frequent eating of sugar rich and high carb food can build you more weight, but eating frequently of small low carb meals throughout the day can boost your nocturnal weight loss and amount of calories burned. Frequent eating keeps your appetite. I check reduces your craving the next day morning during breakfast.

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Why Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, you wouldnt be incorrect to think that the food you are eating needs to be addressed. But what if we told you how important a deep night’s sleep is for regulating your weight?

Missing out on deep, restorative sleep can hold you back from healing chronic disease and living a happy and healthy life.

We are beginning to become more aware of how sleep loss affects our body’s normal physiological functions, which you might not notice short-term. However, when they are continuously disrupted for years, your body will begin to suffer. Without enough sleep our hormones and metabolism are altered and retaining weight is a side-effect of this.

One of the first hormones to contribute to weight gain is know as ghrelin, the hormone that tells you when you are hungry. Ghrelin is produced while we are sleeping, so when we arent getting enough sleep, this hormone becomes imbalanced and can lead to an overstimulation and overeating during the day.

Our dear friend Jon Gabriel is an expert in this area, which is why we have invited him to be part of our 10 Day Sleep & Stress Guided Program.

Watch this short clip to hear Jon Gabriel speak about this topic and what his tips are to help you get a restful nights sleep:

The Relationship Between Sleep And Weight Loss

As well meaning as most weight loss programs are, often they overlook the sleep and weight loss relationship. Sleep is as natural to maintaining a healthy body as consuming the proper volume of nutritious food and getting the right amount of daily exercise.

Its all about achieving a balance in lifestyle. Sleep and weight loss research conclusively prove that getting the proper amount of sleep and quality of sleep is the single most important step you can take in reducing your weight and maintaining a steady body mass index. Think of weight loss as a three-part equation or a triangle with each slope equally balanced. The formula is proper diet, plus proper exercise, plus proper sleep, equals proper weight, and, therefore, its the best balance to achieving good health you can find.

What this means is that gaining sleep, rather than losing sleep, is actually the key to dropping pounds and keeping them off. To many, this may sound like its too simple to be true.

But if youre asking does sleep promote weight loss? bear in mind its no secret that proper sleep and weight loss go hand-in-hand. The correlation of sleep and weight loss is one of the most basic fundamentals of an effective, workable and long-lasting weight loss program that will naturally and permanently reduce your weight and keep it at the level where youre truly comfortable.

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